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Breakwater Page 7

  “Larkspur, how nice of you to join us. Your ambassador here is in no shape to fight, which is a pity, considering her show of power on the beach. But as it is, we need you two to prove you are strong enough to stay here. You will fight for your ambassador. A proxy. You lose, we kill her and throw your bodies into the ocean. You win, and you may stay as our guests as long as I wish.”

  As long as he wished? That was not a good sign, but I doubted we would actually have a choice when it came down to it.

  Dolph jerked as if he’d been shot with a bolt from a crossbow. His voice was low and I doubted anyone but me could hear him. “He will never let you leave alive, Lark. You have to fight his champion. Mako.”

  “A fight, I can handle.”

  Dolph grabbed my arm, his fingers digging into my bicep as he dragged me around to face him. “You will be in water up to your waist. To win you must drown your opponent. This is a very old tradition Requiem has brought forward. With his sister out of the picture, there is no one to stop him.”

  I swallowed the fear that curled up my throat and tried to choke me. Across from us, a tightly muscled Undine stepped out from behind Requiem and Bella. He was a little shorter than me, but by the way he moved, he was all muscle. His shirt gaped at the belly giving a glimpse of a torso that seemed chiseled of pale blue stone. His eyes and hair matched the color of his skin. He looked like he’d been frozen and then thawed. Webbed hands and the slight flutter of gills just below his ears completed the package. His eyes never stopped moving, watching everything and nothing all at once.

  “Is he an Ender?”

  “No, he’s a killer.”

  Startled, I looked to Dolph. “What?”

  “Pulled from the cells to be Requiem’s personal fighter. He was the last serial killer we put away, almost a hundred years ago. He is mad, Lark. Mad and violent beyond reason. He has killed every challenger sent forward.”



  I licked my lips, fear climbing my throat for a second time, and then I shrugged. There was little choice here, which meant I faced Mako no matter how afraid I was. I spun my spear out, pointing at Requiem. “What are the rules, if any?”

  Requiem let out a long low laugh, but the crowd didn’t laugh with him. “There are only three rules, Ender. First. Kill or be killed. There will be no ties.”

  Mako swayed where he stood, hands flexing. I looked at Bella. She would die if I failed, and once more, I would be the one who had fallen at the finish line. Requiem held up his hand. “Second. No weapons allowed. This is strength of body only. And third, no power of the earth or water may be used. Dolph, prepare her for the Depths.”

  Behind me, Dolph let out a soft groan, he spun me to face him and as his hands stripped me of my weapons, he spoke in a low whisper. “Lark, I will create a diversion, and you will run. No one will stop you. I can’t save you both but you can get away.”

  I put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not leaving her.”

  “You can’t beat him.” Dolph grabbed my arms. “He’s a survivor of the cells and has killed a dozen Enders already.”

  “He’s not the only survivor standing in front of you, Dolph.” I pushed away from him and faced Requiem once more, a strange calm flowing over my body. I might die, but I would not do so without a knock-down, drag-out fight. Spreading my arms wide I turned a slow circle. “I have no weapons other than my hands. And now you will swear that my sister and I will go free when I kill your champion.”

  The crowd gave a low murmur and Requiem laughed and gave me a mocking bow. “On the redemption of my soul, on being denied the grace of the Mother’s last embrace, I swear that if you defeat my champion, you and your sister will be honored guests for the remainder of your stay.” His black eyes glittered as he watched me. Not exactly what I’d asked for, but I would take it.

  “Not if I defeat him. When.” I rolled my shoulders and the ground beneath my feet rumbled. The center of the coliseum where Mako and I stood lowered. Dolph stepped out of the center and moved to a seat along the tiers. Within seconds, I was staring up at the crowd. Mako and I had been dropped into a pit twice my height, and four times as wide that was quickly filling with water. Just below my waist, the flow stopped rising; deep enough to make someone think they could survive, but too deep to have any real range of motion. This was going to suck.

  Mako circled toward me, cutting through the water like his namesake.

  “Let it begin!” Requiem roared above us, and the Undines gave a weak cheer. Obviously, they weren’t any happier about this than I was.

  Mako splashed water at me, spraying my face. “Little Ender, you are too pretty. After I kill you, I’ll ask for your body.”

  I curled my lips, tasted the salt water, but didn’t take my eyes from him. Nor did I answer. The water pulled at me, slowing my movements to the point I wasn’t sure how the hell I was going to—

  Mako struck, his foot slicing through the water and slamming into my thigh. I sloshed in the water as I stumbled backward. He grinned at me. “Pretty little starfish . . . I’m going to lick your cold, dead titties.”

  Okay, that was disgusting, and I wasn’t letting him push me around with words or fists. I stopped moving. “Come then, you twisted, tiny man. It’s obvious you can’t get laid unless the woman is dead.”

  He nodded with such violence that his teeth clacked together. “Dead is better. No nagging.”

  Above us, Requiem roared with laughter. “That is the truth, my friends. Dead women don’t nag.”

  Mako slid through the water toward me and I held my ground. I had a couple of inches of height on Mako and I had to use it to my advantage. He came within range of my reach, then closer.

  “You aren’t afraid of me, why not?” He circled me and I moved with him, waiting for the perfect moment.

  “I don’t fear death.”

  He dropped into the water. Just his eyes peered up at me. He swam a circle, spitting water like a fountain through his two front teeth. Like this was a game.

  Of course, to him it probably was.

  Above us, the crowd was silent. I didn’t dare glance up.

  “Mako, show her your teeth, man!” Requiem called out.

  Mako dove under the water and kicked toward me with his mouth open wide. I jumped straight into the air and when I came down, I landed on his back, pressing him to the bottom. He twisted, throwing me off with ease and I went under.

  Fighting panic, I pushed off, flailing to get to the surface.

  I stood, water dripping off me to the sound of laughter. Mako and Requiem were howling.

  “Oh, pretty starfish, you should see your face.” Mako grinned at me. “That was just the start, wait ‘til you’re breathing the water and I’m riding your body and tasting your blood.” He strode toward me, splashing water. A game.

  A game he thought there was no way he could lose.

  And if he believed I was weak . . . that might help me. I stumbled back and held out a hand. “You stay there, don’t come any closer.”

  Laughing, he grabbed my wrist and I gave token resistance. “Let me go.”

  “You can do better than that,” he licked his lips and then blew me a kiss as he began to draw me toward him.

  Again, I fought, but not enough to throw him off. Not enough to tip my hand.

  He let me go and I tumbled back into the wall with a hard thump, slumped, and cringed against the wall.

  From above us came a heavy, drawn out sigh. “Enough, Mako. She obviously isn’t a fighter. Just kill her.”

  “Req, let me play,” Mako whined as he wiggled his fingers toward me.

  “No. I have things to do and I want these two dealt with. I gave my word, so kill her and I can finish this one off.”

  Well, that wasn’t exactly subtle. Belladonna let out a low moan. “Lark. Please don’t die.”

  “Kill her now!” Requiem roared.

  Snarling, Mako lunged at me. This was it. I sidestepped and grabbed his throat with both hands. Or tried to anyway. I only managed to catch him with my left hand; he punched my right forearm knocking it away. Squeezing my fingers tightly around his neck, I dug my nails into the flesh, gripping with everything I had. Years of working the fields in the Rim made my hands strong, the muscles in my forearms like iron bands. He squirmed like a fish on a hook, eyes bugging. The crowd above us roared, their energy and excitement contagious and buoying me.

  Mako twisted and kicked out at me, clawed toes digging furrows into my thighs and hips. Blood tinted the water, but I didn’t take my eyes from him, couldn’t let him go. This was my chance. He’d underestimated me and now I had him dead to rights. But if I let go I knew I wouldn’t get another chance.

  His fingers scrabbled at my hand as he tried to pry my fingers off. A shot of adrenaline-fueled fear lanced me as I stared at him. His skin glowed with a soft blue that swirled up his arms.

  He was calling on his connection to the water and from the intent I saw in the power, he was going to drown me. Or at least, he was going to try. I got my right hand up and wrapped it around his throat, as the water yanked my feet out from under me. We went down and I kept my eyes open, salt stinging them. I couldn’t let go.

  Mako fought to get closer to me, his shorter, muscle-bound arms reaching for my eyes as I stared him down through the swirling pink water. His face darkened to a deep purple as I bore down with both hands, crushing his windpipe. His gills fluttered against the tops of my hands . . . gills.

  He was breathing the water, it wouldn’t matter if I crushed his trachea completely, he could breathe underwater. I had to destroy his gills. Mother goddess help me.

  I shifted my hands up his neck and slid my fingers into the fluttering flaps of fleshy material. Cool water rushed over my skin, the movement of tiny bits that felt like layered leaves, as I stared into Mako’s eyes. A flash of fear danced over his face as I drove my fingers in deep. I tried not to think about the burning in my lungs, the pain of holding my breath as I fought with everything I had.

  Mako grabbed at me, raking his fingers down my arms, his reach just an inch short of being able to hook into my face. So instead, he grabbed my vest and yanked the buckles, baring my chest to him. No, that was not going to happen. I tucked my feet up between us and kicked at his hands, barely keeping him from grabbing my breasts and tearing them from my chest.

  I had to end this fast.

  Hooking my fingers deep into the gills on the right side of his neck, I felt for the connective tissue. I didn’t think about what I was doing, didn’t think about anything but stopping him as his fingers brushed my sensitive skin, clawing at me. Curling my fingers around the tissue, I pulled, yanking the gills on that side of his neck apart. His mouth opened and blood pooled out around us. I lost sight of him completely, but I didn’t let go.

  I worked my left hand into the gills on that side of his neck. His foot caught me in my gut, and he pushed off. But he was too late. I had my fingers into the edges of his gills and as he pushed, he ripped his own neck apart. I kicked away from him, fighting to get to the surface.

  The water stilled and I shot up and out of it to suck in a lungful of air. In my hand was not only his gills, but a huge section of his trachea that came with it. Gulping a lungful of air and treading water I waited to see if another attack would come, but nothing did. The water lowered once more until I could stand. Only then did I start to take stock of my own body: open gashes along my thighs, the punctures in my stomach, and a spinning in my head from holding my breath too long.

  The water around me was dark with blood. Did I move and hope I could at least put my back to the wall, or did I hold still and pray Mako couldn’t see where I was any more than I could see him?

  An air bubble popped up across from me and I tensed. Mako’s back floated to the surface and bobbed, face down. A ruse?

  Above us, the crowd I’d forgotten about cheered. The water drained completely and the footing I stood on began to rise. Mako stayed face down, chunks of meat and gills floating around the sides of his neck, his trachea in my hand. I threw it to the ground and refastened my vest.

  The slow clapping of one person turned me around. Requiem smiled at me, his teeth bright white and far too big for his face. The smile was cold. “Well done. I must say I am surprised. Where did you learn to fight? Enders always play by the rules but that . . . that was truly impressive.”

  “I did play by the rules, though he didn’t. He raised the water. I suppose that means you owe us.” I knew no such thing, but I was pissed. Not to mention the fact he’d said he was looking for a way to kill us both.

  Dolph, headed my way with a blanket, stopped in his tracks. His mouth moved over three words. Don’t do it.

  I glared at Requiem. But it was Belladonna who spoke. “Your champion cheated. We all saw it.” Her color was slowly coming back. Ayu was at her side and obviously had been helping her. “What will you give us in compensation, Requiem?”

  Requiem looked from Belladonna to me, then back to her. His button black eyes were thoughtful, a calculating mind behind them. That much was obvious. “Well played, Ambassador. Well played. We will have a dinner in your honor tomorrow night, and you shall be our guests of the highest standing. There, I shall give you your . . . gifts.”

  I gathered my weapons, doing my best to attach them as we walked from the coliseum. Dolph helped me out of the arena, and Ayu helped Belladonna. Around us, the other Undines parted. Without fail, each Undine we passed gave me a quick bow, a few reaching out to touch me. A mark of honor; I had done what none of their Enders had been capable of. I should have felt proud, but I wasn’t. We were in so much hot water I couldn’t see the way out, and the death of one violent bastard wasn’t about to save us.

  No one spoke as Dolph and Ayu took us to a sumptuous room decked out in pearls, silk sheets, and carpet made of a material I couldn’t identify. Some sort of sea moss was my guess by the way it gave under my feet. All I knew was it was soft enough to lie on and sleep for days.

  Ayu helped Belladonna into bed and then gave me a vial. “Drink it, your wounds will heal faster and you will be ready.”

  I held the vial to my lips. “Ready for what?”

  She looked to Dolph behind me, and just shook her head. They left me standing, staring at the large double doors as they shut behind them. The not so subtle click of the door being locked chilled my spine. I downed the vial of potion, the salty and sweet taste refreshing me even as my body slumped with fatigue. I should have stayed awake, should have forced myself to guard her. The exhaustion though was too strong for me.

  I flopped onto the bed next to Bella. “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow what we need to be ready for.”

  She opened one gray eye and looked me over. “Let’s hope we can go one day here without getting injured. Shall we try that?”

  I dropped a hand over hers, surprised to feel her fingers tighten around mine. “Sure, I’m game to try anything once.”

  Closing my eyes, I let sleep tumble me down. And prayed to the mother goddess we would both make it out of the Deep alive.


  e slept through much of the next day, our bodies drugged with whatever Ayu had given us both to help speed our healing. When I woke, Belladonna was already up and searching through the closet. Actually, it had been her exasperated grunt and the thump of something large hitting the ground that snapped me out of my deep sleep.

  “Lark, the clothes they have here, they are ridiculous. Look at this.” She tossed something toward the bed. It was a dress made of fish net. I picked it up by one edge. “Maybe it’s supposed to go over something else. Like layers.”

  “That sea worm wants us to dress like common prostitutes.” Her outrage was all the more amusing because of our previous conversation. Maybe she’d decided she wasn’t going to tease the men to get her information now. Then again, maybe even Belladonna had standards when it came to those she was willing to taunt. Requiem was not one she wanted to get any closer to than she had to. I certainly didn’t.

  From the bed, I watched her move, amazed that she barely limped. The bite marks in her leg were mostly healed with only tiny pink lines marking where they had been.

  I slid from the bed with a groan. My thighs burned and I rubbed a hand over each. The furrows from Mako’s claw-tipped toes were ridged, sore, and itched like fire ants had been nipping at me all night.

  “Lark,” Bella’s voice was soft as she stood in front of me. “No one has ever fought for me.” She looked away, her throat bobbing as she swallowed hard. “I thought you were going to leave me there to die, but you didn’t.”

  I shrugged. “Family is family. I promised I wouldn’t let you die. Maybe it’s been too long since we’ve spent time together, but you should know I always keep my promises.”

  She gave me a weak grin and swiftly changed the subject. “We both have to dress for the dinner.” She held up two pieces of fish net, one in each hand. “Do you want to wear the fish net or the fish net?”

  I stood and shook my head. “I’m your bodyguard. I’m not going anywhere without my—” I reached for my spear and found nothing. A quick check of my body, all my weapons were gone except the tiny knife tucked into my vest. The knife Ash had given me for just this reason. Our only weapon that stood between us and Requiem was a wee tiny knife.

  Not exactly the protection I was hoping for.

  Belladonna lifted a sheer piece of silk, light green and shimmering. I put a hand on hers.

  “Bella, we have to play this right or no matter what Requiem said, we’re going to have our heads handed to us on a platter.”

  “I know.”

  “He thinks you caused the earthquake on the island.”

  Her eyes widened. “Why would he think that?”

  I took the sheer green material and folded it in half, then motioned for her to turn away from me. I spoke as I wrapped her body in the silk. “It makes sense. Father doesn’t know what I am capable of, no one does. So to Requiem it looks as though Father has sent an ambassador who can cause tsunamis. An ambassador to be feared.”